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Antivirus Security Comparison - April 2024

1 Best Antivirus Security In Canada

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Norton 360 - 2024 Ready – Antivirus software for 10 Devices 1-Year Subscription - Includes VPN, Password Manager and PC Cloud Backup [Download]




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  • 9.8
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    Norton 360 - 2024 Ready – Antivirus software for 10 Devices 1-Year Subscription - Includes VPN, Password Manager and PC Cloud Backup [Download]

    Main highlights
    • REAL-TIME THREAT PROTECTION Advanced security protects against existing and emerging malware threats, including ransomware and viruses, and it won’t slow down your device performance.
    • PC SAFECAM: The webcam on your PC could be vulnerable to hacking. Get notified if cybercriminals try to use your webcam, and we can help block them.
    • PASSWORD MANAGER: Easily create, store, and manage your passwords, credit card information and other credentials online – safely and securely.
    • ONGOING PROTECTION Download instantly & install protection for up to 10 PCs, Macs, iOS or Android devices in minutes!
    • 150GB SECURE PC CLOUD BACKUP store and help protect important files as a preventative measure to data loss due to hard drive failures, stolen devices and even ransomware.***

Our ranking system

The Team selects top-of-the-line items from a wide selection and conducts rigorous evaluations on almost all the products available on the internet. We rank each product based on how well it matches our criteria.We can ensure that the product is well-tested with the help of our expertise, experts, and artificial intelligence technology. requires consistent care for the products we review, ensuring that our assessments are always accurate and up to date.


Our team of experts analyzes key attributes, capabilities, significance, and many more depending on the type of product to determine its effectiveness.

Consumer Reviews

We ensure an evaluation of the ratings using references all over the internet for each product. With the help of our AI technology and professional review teams, we give weight to the worth of individual user experiences.


Popularity is an important criterion in choosing a product. Several factors contribute to the popularity of the products on our site, including prestige, relevance, reputation, news, and more.

Value for money compares product attributes to price, examines tech specs, ratings and reviews, and more.

When compared to other criteria, does the pricing seem reasonable? In order to provide genuine value for money, our team must answer that question with advanced calculations.