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Software Comparison - April 2024

2 Best Software In Canada

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Microsoft 365 Personal | 12-Month Subscription, 1 person | Premium Office apps | 1TB OneDrive cloud storage | PC/Mac/iOS/Android/Chrome Download
NordVPN Standard - 1-Year VPN & Cybersecurity Software Subscription For 6 Devices - Block Malware, Malicious Links & Ads, Protect Personal Information [Physical box]




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Our Top 2 Picks

Here are the top 2 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.7

    Microsoft 365 Personal | 12-Month Subscription, 1 person | Premium Office apps | 1TB OneDrive cloud storage | PC/Mac/iOS/Android/Chrome Download

    Main highlights
    • Word, Excel, PowerPoint with offline access and premium features
    • Outlook ad free email
    • OneDrive ransomware protection for your files and photos
    • Microsoft Teams all day video calling
    • Microsoft Editor advanced spelling, grammar, and writing assistance
    • Microsoft Defender advanced security for data and devices
    • For one person
    • Clipchamp video editor with premium filters & effects
    • 1 TB (1000 GB) of cloud storage
  • 9.6

    NordVPN Standard - 1-Year VPN & Cybersecurity Software Subscription For 6 Devices - Block Malware, Malicious Links & Ads, Protect Personal Information [Physical box]

    Main highlights
    • This is a physical product that will be delivered to you physically. The package includes an activation code and activation instructions.
    • Stop common online threats. Scan new downloads for malware and viruses, avoid dangerous links, block intrusive ads, and more. It's a great way to protect your data and devices without the need to invest in additional antivirus software.
    • Protect your personal details. NordVPN stops others from easily intercepting your data and stealing valuable personal information while you browse.
    • Make public Wi-Fi safe to use. Work, browse, play safely at your local cafe, your hotel room, or the airport lounge.
    • Get alerts when your data leaks. Our Dark Web Monitor will warn you if your account details are spotted in underground hacker sites, letting you take action early.
    • Explore the internet in privacy. Shield your online life from prying eyes with just one click of a button.
    • Defend the whole household. Keep NordVPN active on up to 6 devices at once or secure the entire home network by setting up VPN protection on your router. Compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux, Android, Amazon Fire TV Stick, and others.

Our ranking system

The Team selects top-of-the-line items from a wide selection and conducts rigorous evaluations on almost all the products available on the internet. We rank each product based on how well it matches our criteria.We can ensure that the product is well-tested with the help of our expertise, experts, and artificial intelligence technology. requires consistent care for the products we review, ensuring that our assessments are always accurate and up to date.


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Consumer Reviews

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Popularity is an important criterion in choosing a product. Several factors contribute to the popularity of the products on our site, including prestige, relevance, reputation, news, and more.

Value for money compares product attributes to price, examines tech specs, ratings and reviews, and more.

When compared to other criteria, does the pricing seem reasonable? In order to provide genuine value for money, our team must answer that question with advanced calculations.