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Bar Wine Tools Comparison - April 2024

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Cocktail Shaker Bartender Kit by Full Send! 12 PC Bar Tool Set with Bamboo Stand, Martini Shaker and Bar Tools - Drink Mixer, Muddler and More! Barware Cart Accessories, Bartending Mixology Supplies




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  • 9.9

    Cocktail Shaker Bartender Kit by Full Send! 12 PC Bar Tool Set with Bamboo Stand, Martini Shaker and Bar Tools - Drink Mixer, Muddler and More! Barware Cart Accessories, Bartending Mixology Supplies

    Main highlights
    • THE PERFECT DRINK EVERY TIME: Let’s start! From your Bamboo Stand grab the Ice Tongs and load up your 24oz Ice Shaker (with Built-In Metal Strainer). Take your Double-Sided Jigger, or 4x Liquor Bottle Pourers and layer your alcohol. Grab the Drink Stirrer, Mojito Muddler, or most skilled mixologist shake to finish! You also have a Hawthorne Strainer and Double-Lever Corkscrew (with Knife) for serving.
    • IMPRESS THEM ALL: You’re the master mixologist with Full Send! Not only do you get all the bar essentials, PLUS a guide to 77 Amazing Cocktails, but ALSO our eco-friendly bamboo tool stand – so each tool looks clean, tidy and impressive to guests. It makes perfect sense that it would make a pretty impressive gift, too.
    • FULL SEND! PROMISE: When you order this Cocktail Set, one of two cool things will happen. You, or the person you’re gifting to, will instantly feel like Tom Cruise in that 80’s classic, Cocktail or mixing drinks #likeaboss. Or, we’ll refund every cent so you can find YOUR perfect cocktail set too. So, order now risk free.
    • FOOD GRADE STAINLESS STEEL: Because this bar set is used in professional bars as often as someone’s home bar, it’s made from anti rust SS304 & SS430 Stainless Steel, and WATERPROOF anti-bacterial bamboo. All bar accessories are tested for both durability and mirror shine, and come backed with our Lifetime Warranty.
    • COMES WITH 77 COCKTAIL IDEAS: You bring the liquor… we’ll bring the recipes and tools! When you order your Cocktail Shaker Set from Full Send now you’ll also receive our gift of a cocktail guide so you can use your bar supplies with confidence! And a portion of your purchase today is gifted to the Feed America’s Hungry Children.

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