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Scooters Equipment Comparison - April 2024

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Fosmon Anti Theft Burglar Bike Alarm with Remote, Waterproof Vibration Triggered Battery Operated Loud 113dB Wireless Siren for Bicycle, E-Bike, Motorcycle, Scooter, Cart, Trailer, Equipment, Fence




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  • 9.8

    Fosmon Anti Theft Burglar Bike Alarm with Remote, Waterproof Vibration Triggered Battery Operated Loud 113dB Wireless Siren for Bicycle, E-Bike, Motorcycle, Scooter, Cart, Trailer, Equipment, Fence

    Main highlights
    • [VIBRATION SENSOR AND SOS ALARM] When armed, this anti-theft bicycle alarm responds to vibration or being moved. You can manually adjust the 7 different sensitivity levels and 3 volume levels to best fit your setup. SOS function will detect an accident if the vehicle is tilted more than 45° from its original position, and then make a beeping sound to signal for help.
    • [MULTI-PURPOSE ALARM] Use this anti-theft alarm for a variety of purposes: as a luggage alarm, fence alarm, trailer alarm, and more. This device works great as added security when used with locks as well.
    • [LOUD 113dB BIKE ALARM] Fosmon’s 113dB loud vibration bicycle alarm with remote control is a great tool to protect your bike from theft. Keep your bicycle, e-bike, scooter, motorcycle, and more secured with this alarm.
    • [LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY] This product comes with a limited lifetime warranty. Please refer to Fosmon’s website for more information.
    • [EASY TO SET UP] This anti-theft vibration alarm is easy to set up. First, determine the mounting surface and clean accordingly. Then apply the provided adhesive or mount using the cable ties and brackets on the backside of the alarm. An alarm can be paired with up to 8 remotes.

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