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Professional Science Comparison - April 2024

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Advanced Professional Rock Tumbler Kit - with Digital 9-Day Polishing Timer & 3 Speed Settings - Turn Rough Rocks into Beautiful Gems : Great Science & STEM Gift for Kids All Ages : Geology Toy




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    Advanced Professional Rock Tumbler Kit - with Digital 9-Day Polishing Timer & 3 Speed Settings - Turn Rough Rocks into Beautiful Gems : Great Science & STEM Gift for Kids All Ages : Geology Toy

    Main highlights
    • Turn rough rocks into polished gems: Discover and learn the fun process of rock tumbling with the Advanced Rock Tumbler. Pour in the rough stones and grit and let the machine do its job!
    • Powerful quality: Runs on a powerful heavy duty motor that will last for a very long time, and includes a leak-resistant barrel that runs quieter than the other brands.
    • Complete kit: Includes: rock tumbler machine, low-noise barrel (1 lb. capacity), 4 grit packets, 1/2 lb. assorted rough rocks, mesh strainer, jewelry fasteners, gem storage bag, and an illustrated easy-to-follow instruction and learning guide booklet.
    • Advanced features: Includes speed controls (providing more granular tumbling results), a 9-day timer (shuts off automatically when you desire), all displayed on beautiful LCD screens.
    • A fun and educational gift for all ages: It's not often that a science project can be fun and engaging, but this kit achieves both! It fascinates children and adults as soon as they pull it out of the box and is a perfect STEM project for any age. It fosters a love for science, geology and mineralogy in a fun and exciting way.

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