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Floor Cleaners Comparison - April 2024

1 Best Floor Cleaners In Canada

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Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleaner Liquid, Bathroom & Floor Cleaner, Summer Citrus, 1.3 L


Mr. Clean


4,804 reviews

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Our Top 1 Picks

Here are the top 1 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.7
    Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleaner Liquid, Bathroom & Floor Cleaner, Summer Citrus, 1.3 L
    Mr. Clean

    Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleaner Liquid, Bathroom & Floor Cleaner, Summer Citrus, 1.3 L

    Main highlights
    • Mr. Clean multi-purpose cleaner works all around the house! Use on everything from linoleum, to tile and finished hardwood floors, to toilets and bathtubs, and even garbage cans
    • Mr. Clean is also available in gain original fresh and antibacterial summer citrus
    • Great for use on sinks, counters, stoves and more!
    • Cuts through 100 Percent of dirt, grease and grime

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